About Me

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Well, let's see I am a: Proud parent of one daughter, Proud wife of a wonderful man, Proud American, Proud daughter of a Vietnam Vet, Proud daughter of a very caring woman, Proud sister of two wonderful and Christian men, Proud Christian Woman, Proud teacher, Proud good listener, Proud Twilight Mom and PROUD BUCKEYE FAN!!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm on another blog!

I have the extreme honor of guesting over at Bird's Eye View with my good friend Michelle. She asked me about my experience writing in the unique genre of YA memoir.

While you're there, take some time to look around and leave a comment or two. Michelle's first literary work has been requested by several agents, so get ready to hear her name on the scene. I couldn't be happier for her!


Michelle Fayard said...

I just noticed that the cyberdog must have eaten my original comment! Thank you again, Marcie, for taking time to share wise words that writers of all genres can benefit from. You are a true inspiration.

Elisa DeLany said...

Loved your post, Marcie! Hopefully I'll see more of you at Bird's-eye View!

Deana said...

Awesome Marcie! I'm headed over there now:)